Can I subdivide my section during the Coronavirus COVID-19 Lockdown?
Whether you have been contemplating subdividing your front or back lawn for some time or you have found that, in the light of the current situation, it could provide you with more cash and flexibility, the chances are that we can help. We are seeing more business owners looking for ways to turn assets into cash through subdivision. If you have a section that has room for another house according to the density surrounding you, there is a posibiility that you could subdivide your section on a similar scale.
Yes, it is possible for us to advise you without even coming on site. The final stage may well require pegs to be placed in the ground to mark the boundaries of the new sections, but other work can go on. Having adopted new technology as it has become available, we can do plenty to help you out right now. We have set up our business to work from home when required by an issue such as the Coronavirus Covid-19 lockdown.
So, without stepping outside our office (read ‘home’ at present), we can do a detailed assessment for you. Once we have had an initial telephone conversation to understand your thoughts and wishes, we have ‘on-line’ resources at our fingertips to research your situation. We have access to the government held property records and various aerial photographs to help us make sense of things and ‘see’ your property from a ‘birds-eye’ view.
From the minute we start talking with you, we can have a copy of your property title on the screen in front of us. This provides us with the exact size, shape and other statistics relating to your section ownership. For example, this includes restrictions such as easements for your neighbours’ services crossing your property, covenants which might prevent you from doing certain types of building and rights that you may have over other adjoining properties.
To see the whole picture, we can then quickly overlay our maps with recent aerial photography. Now we can see the whole picture - how your section boundaries relate to physical features such as your house, garage, driveways and fences. We have now begun to see where any potential lies. Our knowledge of the subdivision rules then allows us to give you a good idea of your section subdivision possibilities. From this point a more detailed concept can be discussed with attention to accessing a new building site, positioning new section boundaries and deciding how the services, such as electricity, wastewater and water can be provided to any new house.
Further information is held by your council, which we have access to as well. They have a Geographical Information System (GIS or On-line Maps) with recent aerial photos and contour lines. These GIS maps also record all known services in the locality, such as water and drainage that you rely on. Hazards that might dictate where you cannot build houses or garages are also shown on the GIS Maps. These give us an idea of the level of engineering reporting that Council will require as part of a Resource Management Application to subdivide i.e. how hard it is going to be to obtain a consent and an indication of the potential subdivision costs.
Each Council has its area split into separate zones which provide an expectation of the density and type of development that is allowed. This information is available in their District Plan and planning maps, which are also available on their web-site. The information also contains details of the current rules and specifications for construction of access and service connections for new sections, which will be required as part of the subdivision process.
Using video technology such as Skype or WhatsApp, we can tour the property with you and see what is not able to be readily viewed on the aerial photos or Google Street View, gaining a real insight into what is possible on your section. Thankfully, there is not much that can’t be achieved remotely these days.
Therefore, we don’t have to leave the office to be able to give you a detailed assessment of your subdivision possibilities, thanks to our investment in technology. There will often be ‘on site’ testing required prior to lodging a resource consent application with the local council, but you will be well informed on the possibilities well before that is needed.
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