If you are worried about the prospect of higher interest rates on your family bach or section, you're not alone. Subdividing to sell off part of your property and slice a decent chunk off the bank mortgage is an option to consider.
Many people aren't aware that they can subdivide their section. Councils are being forced into modifying their District Plan Subdivision Rules to enable intensification of urban areas, so this may help you. These changes are being led by central government in response to the housing shortage and cost of housing land. So, unless you need for that extra space around your house or bach, why not consider selling it and lowering your borrowing costs.
Subdivision gives you choices. Once an additional title is created through subdivision, you have the choice to either hold or sell. So it is an insurance policy as well as an immediate way to reduce debt. Even the act of starting the process and obtaining Resource Consent will lift the value of your property, giving you choices. In addition, you are well on your way to creating that independent title that you can sell should the economic conditions dictate.
The subdivision process takes time to complete. As a starting point we can assess your section and tell you if local council rules allow you to subdivide.
Call 0800 268 632 to speak with one of our specialists today, we can help you understand your options, potential costs and potential gains.
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